miércoles, abril 22, 2009

A gardening network for the world

Share your garden and your expertise or learn from experienced gardeners on a new world-wide gardening network.

Gardeners, you need to check out Worldfoodgarden.org. Whether you’re a newbie or experienced gardener, there is a place for you in this growing online gardening community. Newbies can check out the how-to’s like Soil 101, and experienced gardeners can share their knowledge by writing on the site through the Garden Wiki or a Garden Blog.

According to site founder Eve Sibley, Worldfoodgarden.org is

The first home gardening site to offer global gardening information, allocated by latitude and longitude, Worldfoodgarden.org is rapidly becoming the most useful garden Networking site in existence, where gardeners anywhere can learn what grows and when to plant it for their particular area. The site’s World Map of Small Food Gardens allows gardeners to share their garden doings through personal garden profiles, complete with pictures and blogs, and browse the gardens of others for garden inspiration in a “spin the globe” type way.

For garden newbies who aren’t sure how to plant nor what type of garden to plant (container, in-ground, hydroponic, ect), worldfoodgarden.org offers easy walk through tutorials which hold your hand through the process of starting your first garden. Additionally, the high majority of experienced gardeners existing on the site’s searchable world food garden map have volunteered to be “garden mentors”, waiting with a wealth of information to share with any newbie gardener who might have a garden question they’d like answered by a pro.

Here’s a quick run down of some of the sites main features:

* Some of the amenities of the site:
* World’s first Map of Small Food Gardens
* Widespread team of volunteer “Garden Mentors”
* Seasonal Garden Planner that allows you to choose vegetables specific to your location
* Personal garden profiles complete with pictures and blog
* Garden profiles specific for schools, CSAs, and Community gardens
* Garden Wiki
* Get Started Gardening tutorial
* Tutorials on composting, planting, and preparing soil
* Localized weather forecast with tips of what to do in the garden that day
* Lunar planting advice according to current state of the moon

Worldfoodgarden.org is building content daily as new and experienced gardeners contribute to the site. If you need some gardening advice or have some gardening expertise to share, you can join the Worldfoodgarden.org’s community and join in the on the discussion.

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